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The Top Ranked Comments For jessica alba
a silver-medal position for the 27-year-old californian, based purely on honeyed skin, a drum-taut latino body and her wilful disregard of why we’re all so desperate to see next year’s sin city sequel.
Score: 0
motherhood causes strange things to happen. things like the razzie-nominated the love guru. but, child dropped, it's back to business as usual for our 2007 champ. after a guest appearance in the office, she'll be dusting down her leathers and gyrating her way back into nerdish hearts as sin city 2's nancy callahan. but does she take her work home with her? 'most nights i end up wearing a wife-beater t-shirt and boxers.' shame. but at least you've got more in common than you thought.
Score: 0
jessica has remained fairly quiet throughout 2009, but that is largely due to the fact that she has four films to be released in 2010. the first is ‘valentine’s day’, a romantic comedy that half of hollywood is appearing in. she’ll also be involved with sin city 2, reprising her role as stripper nancy callahan.
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